Monday 29 October 2007

Globalisation of Sport

What's wrong with a bit of individuality and personality these days?

It seems there is an insatiable need for every corner of the world to look the same. Now this is not a political blog so I'm not going to get involved in any anti-capitalist, globalisation rant. I do however feel that there should be space for each country to maintain its unique identity.

American sports are great and they form a massive part of American culture. Likewise rugby, cricket and football provide the backbone to English culture.

We don't need 'Global Sport', soccer or cricket are never going to rival the big four sports in the US and vice versa in the UK. Why try? Some things just aren't meant to be.

I used to really look forward to catching the US sports run down on Trans World Sports on a Sunday morning, but that's where it should stay.

Stick to what you do best, I say.

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